Core Models specializes in providing scientific services to other companies and private entrepreneurs to help them improve their businesses. We embrace our scientific expertise, harmonizing academia creativity and a business focus on delivery, in a unique and affordable portfolio.
We stand for business transparency, fair play and equal rights for every stakeholder. We provide discounts on all services tailored to your budget so that you can receive any help without delay. Core Models team offers the guaranteed quality of results in line with the rigorous academic standards and accelerating time for delivery.
What do we offer?
Core Models clinical epidemiology service offers protocol development and designs of clinical trials and observational studies for preventive, diagnostic, screening, and therapeutic products. Our core services:
- post-marketing evidence generation from real-world data (RWD)
- causal studies design and protocol developments, including target trial emulation. Target trial design makes it possible to mimic RCT by using RWD sources
- precision medicine trials including basket trials, umbrella trials, N-of-1 studies and adaptive trials
- systematic reviews
- meta-analyses
- network meta-analyses
- population-adjusted indirect comparisons
(MAIC and STC) - simulation modeling
We offer state-of-the-art health economics services as:
- budget impact models
- cost-effectiveness analyses
- full support for reimbursement application
Apart from the traditional approach with a decision tree and Markov model, we offer the new generation of models: discrete event simulation, system dynamics, agent-based models, multimethod modeling.
We are offering advanced stakeholders/customer attitudes research as well as prediction of behavior based on attitudes, that can direct sales teams, marketing strategy, and postmarketing evidence generation:
- exploratory factor analysis
- Q-mode factor analysis
- data mining and machine learning
In addition, we can support value communication through visualization of your data and proper communication with customers (businesses cases, value dossiers, value propositions).
analytical experts

Core ModelsTeam
All our researchers hold master’s or doctorate degrees and have substantial work experience at the intersection of academia and industry. Combining our unrivaled specialism in the field with a strategic, differentiated approach, we can meet our clients’ more complex needs in the fast-paced and constantly evolving healthcare industry landscape.
Our latest news
and updates
Core Models offering five online micro-specializations
Using RWD to Emulate a Target Trial
Let's get in touch
Visit our Office:
John Eccles House
Robert Robinson Avenue
Oxford Science Park, Oxford Oxfordshire, OX4 4GP, United Kingdom
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Fill in the fields in Contact Form and ask questions you are interested in.
Call Us:
Don’t hesitate to contact us via phones: +44 1865955414